Our courses stand out for efficiently combining the theoretical with the practical, training our students on sites and with the tools they regularly use. All our courses are developed with permanently updated programs according to the norms of the International Civil Aviation Organization -OACI-, the Federal Administration Aviation -FAA-, the European Air Space Administration -EASA- and the regulations and needs of our customers.


General objective

IFS conducts training and professional consulting directly at airports, online and/or in civil aviation organizations where our potential trainees work to optimize available resources.

Our courses are permanently adapted to technological advances. All courses and materials are in Spanish, French or English, using conventional aeronautical phraseology. ICAO manuals and annexes, FAA regulations in addition to the internal regulations of each country make up the regulatory framework of the courses. The student who finishes the course according to the evaluation plan, will receive at the end of the course a "certificate of approval", which may include the final grade. Students who do not achieve an acceptable performance, either for exceeding the absence limit or for not having the requirements/level demanded for the development of the course, may receive a "certificate of participation".

1. Flight inspection course for pilots and inspectors. EASA Certificate

The course takes place online over 5 weeks, 4 hours per day, with 4 weeks of theoretical course and 1 week of practical course with simulator.

General objective

Training and certification in Flight Inspection for Pilots and Flight Inspectors.

Specific objectives

Specialized training in the concepts, international norms and standardized procedures for flight inspection of VOR, ILS, DME, NDB, PAPI, T-VASIS, VASIS, A-VASIS, RADAR, ADS-B, Air-Ground Communications, flight validation of RNP procedures, as well as the applicable human factors aspects.

Certification of personnel in charge of performing and/or supervising inspections at the national level.

Other courses available:

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